AngularJS Tutorial: Unit Testing Angular Applications Using Jasmine and Karma

In the previous installment of this series we’ve learned how to perform End-to-End application testing using Jasmine and Protractor. In this part, we’ll discuss how to test controllers and how to automate this process. In fact, running tests manually may make the whole process tedious and may prompt one not to use tests altogether, so we’ll learn how to make test run in background and restart when you save your code. Adding Karma to AngularJS project As a first step, we’ll add test automation to our project. To streamline testing of Angular applications, Google created a special test automation framework called Karma which in turn can rely on various testing frameworks such as Jasmine and run tests any time you save a file in your project. To add Karma and other tools necessary for testing to the project it is necessary to execute the following command. npm install karma karma-jasmine karma-chrome-launcher jasmine-core angular-mocks --save-dev We added several de...