Getting started with Bootstrap 3

Twitter Bootstrap is an extremely popular front-end framework designed to build websites and web applications. In fact, it is a collection of tools leveraging HTML, CSS and some optional Javascript extensions like dialogs or tooltips and is used to facilitate user interface creation. Its documentation can be found here
The simplest way to start working with Bootstrap is to use a content delivery network or CDN which delivers all the necessary files via the Internet. To use it all that is necessary to do is to add a couple of links to your HTML file as will be discussed later. A code snippet adapted from Bootstrap Getting started guide is shown below.

It is an HTML file. In this template the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration informs the browser that this page is authored using HTML5. The meta tag <meta charset="utf-8"> is used to instruct the browser to use utf-8 encoding. Then the X-UA-Compatible meta tag has something to do with Internet Explorer and in particular if you use IE as your browser, which supports a number of compatibility modes, the latest version of the mode is used. The last meta tag is used to deal with small-screen devices like smart phones and deserves further consideration.

The Bootstrap is often described as a “mobile first” front-end framework, so it pays a lot of attention to how the page is displayed in mobile browsers. The viewport meta tag was introduced by Mobile Safari browser and now is supported by many other modern mobile browsers. The Apple documentation describes it here. Long story short a mobile browser by default displays your application in the upper-left corner.

By adding the width=device-width the app is stretched to fit the visible area.

The second parameter, initial-scale=1, controls how your app is rendered when the orientation of a device is changed. If an app is in portrait orientation, it looks like that

then if the initial scale is set to one, changing orientation to landscape renders app like the right-hand example above, so that the new width is inferred and set to device-height for you. But if the initial scale is not set, the app looks like the right-hand image below shows.

Actually, it was merely zoomed.

The link and script tags in the template are used to load all the necessary files from the CDN.

To begin with your application just change the title and add your tags to the body section of the template.

Additionally, a new tool called Bootlint, which is used to check your HTML + Bootstrap pages for errors, can be added. All results are printed to the console, just press F12 to open it. The simplest way is to use a bookmarklet which can be obtained here. Instructions for how to add a bookmarklet in Chrome are here and in Firefox here

If you use Chrome browser an extension adds a button to the toolbar, which allows to check your code in a single click. To test the capabilities of Bootlint try to comment out some of the meta tags in the template, open it in your browser, click the bookmark or a button in Chrome and watch what happens in the console next.

Also, there are some useful examples provided in docs/examples folder of the Bootstrap sources, which can be used as a basis of your project. It is interesting that the recommended on the Bootstrap site way to obtain the sources using Bower do not provide one with the docs folder for it is added to ignored list in bower.json file in the GitHub repository as of version 3.2.0. The workaround is to clone the Bootstrap repository using git. 

All examples can be previewed here.

Moreover, you could share your work online on Bootsnip where a lot of nice bootstrap snippets are posted and can be previewed instantly.


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